
To the Golden Spike Amateur Radio Club, GSARC

We are a group of Amateur Radio Operators (HAMS) serving Box Elder County and the surrounding areas

Please join us each Wednesday at 8:00PM on our repeaters for the club net. All are welcome!

Emergency Training net each Sunday at 7:30PM 

Box Elder County Simplex - 146.480

Latest News:

DUNN PEAK 147.380 repeater - back on the air!

A much awaited trip was made with a work party of KG7RDR and KA7OEI, facilitated by KG7AZY. We were finally able to restore the repeater to full service around 18:00 on October 17th following nearly two years of issues. Faulty modules were replaced and aligned, new solar panels installed, isolators tuned and implemented. We were able to accomplish most of our intended work on this trip ahead of a storm rolling in through the rest of the week. From leaving the valley to returning was a full 12 hour work day, a couple hundred miles, and a slightly damaged jeep.

We would like to thank the efforts of various club members and county associates who have made this repeater possible along with the continued support of KA7OEI who allowed the abuse of his jeep to get all of the needed equipment up to the top safely.

Results for the K7UB Field Day 2024 are in and can be found at k7ub.org/fdresults or by clicking the yellow button.

Join our club!

Dues will remain at $15.
You can find the membership form and more information at https://www.k7ub.org/membership

Upcoming Events


Most meetings take place at the "Bear River City Offices"
The address is
5871 N 4700 W, Bear River City, UT 84301

across the street from the church.

New format ARRL bandplan: 

Band Chart(ARRL_OTA_Magazine).pdf