
To the Golden Spike Amateur Radio Club, GSARC

We are a group of Amateur Radio Operators (HAMS) serving Box Elder County and the surrounding areas

Please join us each Wednesday at 8:00PM on our repeaters for the club net. All are welcome!

Emergency Training net each Sunday at 7:30PM 

Box Elder County Simplex - 146.480

Latest News:

Join our club!

Dues will remain at $15.
You can find the membership form and more information at https://www.k7ub.org/membership

Upcoming Events

085 East Baseline Road, Highway 25 Rupert , ID

Doors open at 09:00 and close around 13:00

Call in on 147.000 repeater and  146.520 Simplex

Most meetings take place at the "Bear River City Offices"
The approximate address is
5871 N 4700 W, Bear River City, UT 84301

across the street from the church.